In the Aprevious articler I promised to start with the comparison between OpenShot y Kdenlive, two of the most popular open source non-linear editors. But, I found the need to clarify some more concepts so as not to have to do them in the posts themselves with the risk of deviating from the topic
If you look at the types of projects that Kdenlive and OpenShot offer you, you will find a series of letters and numbers. OpenShot makes things easier for you by classifying them by target devices. However, we still need to define some terms
Dictionary of project formats
FPS: They are the acronym in English for Frames Per Second (They also work for the Spanish version) When we are watching a video, theor what we see are actually still images projected in succession to give a sense of movement. Because the human brain can only process a maximum of 12 individual frames per second, any projection speed that exceeds that mark is identified as a moving image.
Hence in theory The more frames per second a video includes, the smoother the viewer will see it. In return, the video will take up more space
Swept: Traditional cinematic projection shows full frames one after the other in rapid succession. However, two different techniques are used for video.
Interlaced sweep splits each frame into two different frames. One contains the even lines and the other contains the odd ones. In other words, with a 1920 x 1080 pixel monitor the first frame would have 540 lines of even 1920 pixels and the other the same number of odd. First the one that contains the even lines in a period of no more than 1/60 of a second is shown and then the second the same period of time and then move on to the next frame
As with cinematography, since the eye cannot detect such rapid changes, it records it as a complete image.
In the progressive scan, the image is built showing in a secondary way the pixel lines of each frame from the first to the last, all at a speed that the human eye is not capable of processing.
In digital image display devices (read monitor screens, televisions, smartphones and the like) Image quality is measured by its resolution. Resolution is calculated by the number of vertical and horizontal pixel lines that the screen can display.
Among the project formats that we can choose are:
There are two variants depending on whether it is television or cinema screen
In this case we are talking about a resolution of 3,840 x 2,160 pixels
Resolution is 3840 x 2160 pixels
This format has four times the definition of standard 720p HD, which means that the same number of pixels as four HD displays can fit on a QHD display of the same size, namely 2.560 x 1.440 pixels, or 1440p.
HD and Full HD
When we talk about HD we are referring to the original resolutions of high definition TV, specifically that of 1.280 pixels wide by 720 pixels high.
What is called 'Full HD' refers to a resolution that measures 1.920 x 1.080 pixels, also called 1080p. This screen resolution is common on smart TVs and many modern smartphones, PCs, laptops, and monitors. Both types of resolutions use a 16: 9 aspect ratio (so there are 16 horizontal pixels for every 9 vertical pixels).
The two video editors also offer different types of screen resolutions that are smaller in size or with an aspect ratio suitable for vertical screens.
CIF: 355 x 288 with a 4: 3 aspect ratio.
QVGA: 320 x24 also with 4: 3 aspect ratio
NTSC DVD: 920 x 240.
SVCD NTSC: 720 x 480
CVD Pal: 352 x 576.
SQUARE: 1080 x 1080.
VGA NTSC: 640 X 480 and again 4: 3 aspect ratio
Vertical HD 1080 X 1920 being the aspect ratio of 9:16