Home automation, inmotic and urban automation, are increasingly present. The smart home It is here to stay, and with the development of new technologies in electronics, robotics, artificial intelligence, telecommunications and IoT, this has only just begun.
In this article I bring you some open source projects that have a lot to do with the smart home, and that allow automate tasks in your home...
Best open-source platforms for the smart home
Here you have a listing with some of the best known and best smart home platforms:
openHAB is one of the most important projects in the open source community regarding the smart home. A project that is in constant development, and that already has support for more than 1500 devices from Sony, LG, Pioneer, Samsung, and many more. It is free software (with a commercial version), and you can download it on any operating system, without having to depend on the cloud.
Home Assistant
Home Assistant is another smart home and community maintained automation software. This platform will take care of local control and respect your privacy. In addition, it is a platform that shares many things with openHAB, but is really flexible.
OpenMOTICS has a somewhat different approach. But it is a very fluid and practical solution. It offers custom modules so that you can use them with your software. You can buy them in the online store.
Jeedom is another great smart home automation alternative, although somewhat less intuitive than solutions like openHAB or others mentioned above. The biggest problem is its language, since it is a French version. Fortunately, the documentation is available in other languages such as English, German or Spanish.
iBroker is another open source project for smart home automation that appeared at the beginning of 2017. It found a place very quickly due to its freeness and its great robustness.
AUG Control
AUG Control is an open source control panel to control and automate smart home devices quickly. It is lightweight and can be a comprehensive solution for both internal and external devices.
Domoticz is a well loved project, with a very active community and a great web guide for installing their software. Also, it can be a great option for students who want to learn about these topics.
FHEM is another known in the world of home automation and smart home. It is an open source (GPL) perl server used to automate common household tasks, such as turning lighting, heating, etc. on or off.
hornbills is another project that comes from France. It is open source and intended for home automation. It is complete, with web solutions, Android, iOS, Linux and more. However, it doesn't seem like it has as active a community as others ...
Pimatic is a hardware independent framework for smart home automation, with capacity for more than 70 plugins. It runs on Node.js, and it's very flexible, fast, and easy.
homebridge.io is a modern and lightweight Node.js server that emulates the iOS HomeKit API. It can be installed on an SBC, like the Pi, and serve the same requests as on iOS through Siri.
smarthomatic is another open source community smart home project. This framework can work robustly to automate tasks.
MyController It is also popular, and allows it to run on devices with very limited resources, such as a Raspberry Pi 1st Gen. With it you can control devices in your home or office, with great flexibility. It is based on Java, to improve its compatibility with different platforms. On the other hand, the pity is that the community is so dead ...
pidomeAs the name suggests, it is home automation software specifically designed for the Raspberry Pi.
HomeGenie is another open source, smart home automation server. It offers a great experience, and has help available on the web.